CI/CD Tools

Docker Automated build Docker Build Status license

Docker images containing essential tools and packages for development, specially to be used as a base working image in various CI/CD pipelines (GitLab CI, Travis CI, …).

Table of Contents

Packges installed in conatiner

List of available packages inside the container:

Package Version
bash 4.4.19(1)-release
sudo 1.8.21p2
gcc 6.4.0
docker client: 18.05.0-ce
server: 18.03.1-ce
git 2.15.2
java 1.8.0_151
golang TBA
ruby 2.4.4p296
python 2.7.14
pip 10.0.1
virtualenv 16.0.0
maven 3.5.2
gradle 4.8
openssl 1.0.2o
openssh 7.5p1-hpn14v4
curl 7.60.0
wget 1.19.5
rsync 3.1.3
tar 1.29
gzip 1.8
zip 3.0
vim 8.0
jq jq-1.5
locate 4.6.0
which v2.21

Docker in Docker tip

If you want to use dind with this image you need to pass /var/run/docker.sock from host to the container as a Volume:

docker run --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock khos2ow/ci-cd-tools


Licensed under Apache License version 2.0. Please see the LICENSE file included in the root directory of the source tree for extended license details.